You never know what you might find wondering around in an antique store. Especially the ones in out of the way locations with “stuff” piled all around. Behind a small antique store close to home lay these architectural remnants arranged like a still life set-up. The white Victorian piece reminded me of the phrase “southern cross” and that almost became the title. The set-up had all the elements I’m drawn to: texture, abstract composition, great color, and a made up backstory I could tell myself as I was painting it.
You never know what you might find wondering around in an antique store. Especially the ones in out of the way locations with “stuff” piled all around. Behind a small antique store close to home lay these architectural remnants arranged like a still life set-up. The white Victorian piece reminded me of the phrase “southern cross” and that almost became the title. The set-up had all the elements I’m drawn to: texture, abstract composition, great color, and a made up backstory I could tell myself as I was painting it.
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